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Our Philosophy

"2ndQuadrant is the cluster of all activities falling in "Green Corridor" which allows you to focus on what's required and not on what is not required" -- Stephen Covey (Guru of Management)

Paradigm shift from being reactive to proactive is at the heart of 2ndQuadrant. 2ndQuadrant in any walk of life emphases on doing what's important before it reaches to the Urgency zone. It's that "Green Corridor" which takes you ride the journey of continual improvement.

Information Security measure is no more an option for the growing Internet of Things epoch but an evolution from brick and mortar way of doing business to a vital reality. Surveys prove that, this critical aspect still remains secondary or even tertiary on the strategic priorities of CIOs, management. The need is invariably felt at the 11th hour when it becomes an URGENCY!!

The very purpose of 2ndQuadrant Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd. as an Information Security Evangelist is to spread the awareness about the Tsunami of threats to which every organization is susceptible to and help them build robust and risk free security framework.